Saturday, February 06, 2016

"The Invisible Killer" - 02/06/16 - Exodus 22-24

 “Don’t make any deals with them or their gods. They are not to stay in the same country with you lest they get you to sin by worshiping their gods. Beware. That’s a huge danger.” (23:32-33)

Playing with fire. 
How we have seen through The Scriptures, since Genesis, the ripples of living with sin, any sin, and its consequences.  The damning consequences. 
Ripples still felt in our world today. My walk.

Earlier I was talking with Curt about what we read in His Word and how the verses apply to our lives.  He is reading in Jeremiah how God has told them, because of their sins, He is taking down the protective barrier and allowing the enemies to overtake their land.  The consequences of their sins have led them back into slavery.

God shoots straight from the hip. 
There are some things in The Scriptures we don't understand or make sense of - and that is okay.  He didn't instruct us to know all the why"s.  He commands, "Beware. That’s a huge danger”, which is plain, simple, and straight forward. 
We are not to entertain any sin - at all. 
At.  All.

A good word picture would be if you have been diagnosed with a malignant cancer.  Although it is in its early stages, it has been proven without a doubt it is spreading, either at a quick or slow pace hasn't been yet determined, throughout your body.  The diagnosis is although it is still small, contained, treatable, curable, one day it will completely consume your body - if left alone. Your doctor then tells you there will be no treatment.  It will be left alone to run its course and it will either show signs of aggressiveness or sit for awhile before festering and finishing you off.

 This is what sin is. 
It is the cancer of our soul.
And still, we choose to be "the doctor" that says, "let it alone". 

We tend to look at sin through rose tinted glasses and think of it as harmless. 
Fifty years ago you wouldn't see those portraying a married couple with children sharing the same bed. And today. Many programs and commercials know no bounds. Tolerance is numbing our senses and it is taking more and more to cause us to react. I can remember how scared I was at Jaws in the 70's, because my mind wasn't numbed to horror through seeing violence every day. We are numbed to the blatant sell of sex through all the daily images we take in. Killing another person has almost become the solution when one doesn't get their way.  

We have taken to looking at sin from black, to gray, to invisible.
Invisible, but still there and active. 

Much like natural gas which contains one of the most deadly elements - carbon monoxide.  It is non-toxic, tasteless, colorless and odorless.  It will overcome you and make you feel sleepy.  Not alarmed, not afraid, not panicked.  It will be a sleep you most likely won't wake up from.  For safety reasons Mercaptan is added to it, which has a rotten egg odor.  It is the only way we will know when it is surrounding us.

How thankful I am God has put the "rotten egg" odor to sin.  The times my hair goes up on the back of my neck, is a warning.  The sick feeling I have in the core of my being when I have participated in sin.  The sadness which overcomes me when I have failed Him, not being able to shake it off or blame it on hormones. 

We even go so far as to act the "great Christian".  Using "prayer requests" as an excuse to gossip about the coworker who is having an affair.  To be the "good neighbor" as a means to get into someones life and share about them with others.  When we are a whore with the world and a virgin in church on Sundays.   We are tolerating and entertaining  the "little sins", believing they won't amount to anything.

When you are in a home that has a carbon dioxide leak, you evacuate immediately. You go to a safe place. When you find you have a treatable cancer, you get it removed and out of your body.
Whyever is it we don't do the same with sin?

Take heed from His Words, “Don’t make any deals with them or their gods. They are not to stay in the same country with you lest they get you to sin by worshiping their gods. Beware. That’s a huge danger.”

Breath the rotten egg smell and evacuate.
Get to your safe place. 

satan is the ultimate gift wrapper.  Sin isn't pretty.  Sin is a poison.  It comes in all sizes, always wrapped up as a beautiful package. And always beneath the exterior - there is nothing but blackness.  Solid blackness of evil.   Please listen - It is THE cancer which eats away until the all of your soul is consumed. 

Our ABBA has given us Hope. 
There is only the One Gift that is what it is.  He came plainly wrapped, in a manager, with a bow of a star.  Upon opening, pushing back the tissue papers of our sins, His blood, death on The Cross, The Resurrection, we take out His treasure.  His only Son. 
His Pure, Holy, sweet smelling gift of eternal life. 
Our Gift.  The Gift.   

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