Sunday, February 26, 2012

02/26/12 - They did it all

Lev 27:1-34, Num 1:1-54

As I was reading, sometimes skimming through, I was wondering if I had of been there then where I would have been placed. As part of a tribe to fight or to take care of The Dwelling of the Testimony.

Often I have wondered how He decided when, where, whom I am. What went into the placement of the era, the family I have, the area, the state, country I grew up in.

We love Liverpool NY. We could easily see living here. We love Adam's church and the excitement of it growing. Often I have also thought, before the beginning of time, He knew I'd be where I am, speaking, meeting the people I do. How amazing is that.

Then the last verse caught my heart.

" The People of Israel did everything that God commanded Moses. They did it all." (Num 1:54)

They did it all.

What a blessing to live in such a place where more than 603,550 persons did all God commanded. Even if it wasn't continual, to live in that moment. It would be like an Eden. To have God walk among you - and do all He commanded.

There's a reason for His commands. Only He sees the whole paradigm - which is why all He says, does makes sense - to Him. My job isn't to try and figure out the whys. It is to do all He commanded.

How I struggle with His commands versus self. I know I will never get it right until I die. But because of His great love, I try. I pray my fruit encourages and draws others to Him. To make disciples and teach them to train up disciples too.

That one by one we can all become followers of His.

How marvelous it would be to live in a world where "all did as He commands".

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